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Self Diagnosed

August 28th, 2009

I used to long for a diagnosis.  Something snappy from the DSM-IV would have done nicely.  I wanted an impressive-sounding label to stick on the mess that bubbled constantly inside my head and my guts.  If I had an official Mental Disorder, it would mean that people would have to take me seriously.  Maybe it would mean that I could get some help.

Sometimes I felt that I wasn’t being taken seriously enough.  Other times I accepted what others said.  “She’s throwing a tantrum.  Just ignore her.”  “Oh, she’s crying again?  Never mind, she’ll be fine.”  It was easy for them to minimize what they saw, because they were too busy, or too self-absorbed, or too contemptuous to stop and evaluate how much I was actually suffering.

I started cutting myself.  No one noticed.  I went to my doctor to discuss my mental health.  He had misplaced his Suicide Risk Checklist.  He looked through his files for 2 minutes trying to find it, and then decided it would be good enough to ask me whatever questions he remembered.  He forgot to ask if I had looked into killing myself.  I had, in fact, visited a website that provided techniques for suicide.  But he never asked, and I wasn’t able to summon my voice to volunteer the information.

I did ask him to prescribe me an anti-depressant.  I needed something, anything, to get me through my days.  Every hour, sometimes every minute, was excruciating.

The doctor told me he thought it was “just psychological”.  He wanted to refer me to see a psychologist for counseling, who happened to be his sister.  He said it might be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because my difficult childhood.  Finally, with reservations, he did write me a prescription for Zoloft.

I took it straight to a bookstore, found a book on the medical effects that are possible when people come off anti-depressants, and became too scared to fill the prescription.  I went back to toughing it out on my own.  I’m aware that I’m lucky to have that choice.

In the end, I diagnosed myself.  Moderate Depression, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  And after years of dealing with my moods I’ve learned how to keep myself on an even keel, most of the time.  It means I live a life that is relatively very limited, but within those safe boundaries I have found a way to be me that works.

It’s Back. A little bit. Maybe. Damn.

August 22nd, 2009

By guest writer Laurie

So. I’ve been in a good mood for months. Months. Happy shiny months of months.

I went to BlogHer. I came home. I started writing again. I went to the beach, for a fabulous week. I came home. People like me in a good mood. I like me in a good mood.

And then I crashed. It kind of started at the end of vacation, the weird way I get when things are just a little off, the frequency starts humming just a little too loud and nothing helps. I’m owning it here because I don’t know what else to do with it anymore, honestly, but also because I figure if I can go back to making this a daily practice when nothing else is happening with any consistency, at least that’s something.

And what I do when this happens is I isolate. I go back to my literal and figurative basement. I do not want to talk about it. I want to sit and not talk. I don’t want to tell anyone what really goes on in here, because really? It’s not interesting and it’s not engaging and time is limited for even interesting and engaging things.

Maybe not writing about things keeps them buried. Maybe that was the purpose of keeping myself on lockdown for a year. Or it’s like a conference hangover, you know, you’re surrounded by all of this positive reinforcement and “you can do it”, it’s all Amway and Mary Kay but it’s not, it’s the epically cooler versions of those. And you start to think – I’m doing it again, writing in the “you” speak when really I mean me, I hate when I do that – I start to think of all the things I want and need and maybe should do to bring some order to these proceedings.

I knew things were building up. Old patterns started repeating (Addicts to any kind of behavior or substance will likely recognize this statement.) When I start listening to August and Everything After on repeat and the “I should never have left Ohio” mental tape starts playing I know I’m screwed, which, as true as it may be, and lord knows I have so much love in my heart for Dayton, it’s not useful thinking because it didn’t happen, and I needed to get out of that place when I did because if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have left and I’d be divorced with 2.5 children and driving around Centerville drinking wine out of a sippy cup, no question. (But property values? Could totally own my own house to be drunk in.) August 9 was my tenth anniversary back in Maryland. Maybe I can blame it on that.

Everything started triggering tears again, and I hadn’t been doing that shit for MONTHS. It’s not like I set out to do it on purpose, it just happens and I get so ANGRY when I feel it happening again, because it just doesn’t seem fair that it happens when I’m just cruising along minding my own business and trying to do good things and really when I’m in that place I am super. Even I can cop to that at this point. In any event I’m the opposite of sitting there going, “Oh, thanks, this has been great, could I please have a MOTHERFUCKING MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL END OF SUMMER SALE???? THANKS DUDE! GOT IT COVERED THANKS.”And as always happens, something stupid triggered it.

Saturday I went to see Julie and Julia, which I didn’t really hate although I thought I would, and it plunged me into a ridiculous horrible pit of depression because I don’t have my own kitchen (I’m not kidding. This is huge right now for some reason. It’s like I want to make pot roast every night or start a cupcake of the week club. I. Am. Insane.) This is also no one’s fault but mine. These are life choices writ large. And also my blog sucks and no one loves me as much as that little man loved Julia Child even though she talked like that all damn day and I didn’t come up with the idea to cook 365 days of recipes that I stole from someone in order to get a book and then a movie deal and everything just sucks it sucks it sucks, are you going to eat that meatball? No? Thanks. And perhaps more wine?

I had an embarrassing episode immediately following the movie based on the confluence of these factors and my entire weekend tanked, miserably. See how fast that happens? I am a phenom with the overanalysis and the crazy.

Speaking of wine and meatballs, I’ve also been off the regular exercise routine that had been going so well and really went down the drain between BlogHer and the beach, because you know what? I was TIRED. I did a few crazy long walks on the beach which probably helped keep me stable for the amount of beer I drank while I was there and I think I may have needed a break from the almost daily literal beating I was taking at the gym. It’s just so easy to spiral out of control if I let it go even for a little while. Even a week is too long. It also turns out that workouts are essential to my mental wellbeing, and without them, I end up here again, where I do not want to be. And it’s really easy to go down in a hole about this particular issue, especially when once I’ve broken the workout cycle it’s SO hard to get back in the groove. All the head games start again and these games are complex and difficult to win.

ISSUES, I have issues. I’m trying honesty around here. It may or may not be working.

And yet. And yet. I am trying. I’m thinking of the lists of things to be thankful for, which makes me stabby more than it helps sometimes, because I kind of like my gratitude to be natural and not forced, but maybe I need to get over myself where that’s concerned too. I am trying to be forgiving and understand why people intrude upon your personal physical and psychic space with weird comments and invasive behavior, why they won’t pick up on social cues to behave just a little bit differently, please stay behind the yellow line until your number is called, that sort of thing. I am trying not to say mean things to my students. I am trying not to purposefully seek out things that will upset me.

I haven’t been very much fun to be around for the past two weeks, and I don’t like it either. Knowing that action cures anxiety, I have assignments for myself, the life management shit I hate, and I’m trying very hard to take an action every day. I know what to do, the ass-kicking I need to give myself to avoid the bad places. The long-term goal list needs to be revisited. And as for the short-term, I’m going to try to go back to kickboxing, because if there’s anything I need right now it’s aggressive physical activity. Listening to a lot of pissed off screamy music is helping too. And I need to communicate even when I don’t feel like it with people I know are good influences, because at times like this I’m editing myself before I open my mouth or type a word and that’s part of the problem.

And it turns out that due to the muscle deterioration that quickly occurs when one stops working out in a concentrated fashion for almost a month, I’ve lost two more pounds. So you know, there’s that.

Previously posted here.

All Art Requires Courage, Depression

August 21st, 2009

Originally uploaded by Chris(UK)

All Art Requires Courage, Week Five – Face of depression

August 15th, 2009

Originally uploaded by Jessia Hime

The ick vistor

July 9th, 2009

It comes with no warning, I was just sitting in a chair when I felt my insides begin to melt.  My first thought was to wonder if I was getting sick.

I don’t have “sick” symptoms, which means it’s the sickness in my head, thereby named “the ick”.  It’s when that visitor from the deep recesses of my mind comes out to tell me how fucked up and stupid I am, that I should just crawl into a cave and die.

The visitor isn’t welcome here, but it leaves things behind giving it the idea that it qualifies under squatter’s rights to torture me periodically.

Everything I look at around me is scary, the house is a mess, the floors need a sweep, vacuum and good cleaning.  The cushions are crooked on the couches again and that spot in the garage where the cat threw up a week ago is still there.

Why am I the only one that can see this type of chaos?  This isn’t how it was supposed to be.  Sure, it was supposed to be hard but THIS HARD?  Seriously?  Why?  Why do we do this?  Who came up with the idea that living with other people with totally different habits is enjoyable?

Sometimes I can send the visitor away by changing my thoughts, reading something inspirational, talking to someone on the phone, or writing about it.  Sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes slowly.

No matter how many times I bid it goodbye, I know that it will keep coming to check in on me.  Just in case I’ve decided to let it move in permanently taking me to depths of despair and depression that I never imagined possible.  Not ready to be it’s bitch yet.

There is no permanent cure, there’s only a daily reprieve that helps keep it manageable most of the time.  After each visit, I become changed.  Mostly for the better, always a little stronger, always a little more enlightened, sometimes weaker.

The benefits gained don’t make it any easier to accept.

Your Story – StormyBluez

July 6th, 2009

I am mean to myself
i went to sleep very sad
i’ve waken up very sad
for this i am a jerk.
which in turn adds to this sadness

i wanna justify this by telling myself
“i got my period”
but that’s just not it

I weigh about 200 pounds and ive always hated to exercise… always –a month ago i lost my Dog ..well i had to put him down – i had him 13 years his name was Bandit- he was old and it was time but gosh its hit me so hard. if he was here everything would be fine -but hes not coming back.. ever… Bandit always loved me no matter what. and since i’ve always felt so unloved, that love that was undeniable…. to be gone from my daily life has left me in a very lost place.
i don’t take medication- even if professionals disagree with this. i am in that batch that refuses it .
i’ve started exercising. they always said its a natural way out of depression-
everyday i take a body sculpting class
i go for long walks an hour or so
it definitely is keeping the stress levels down
i think in 3 weeks my class ends
i fear where i will be mentally with out it

The same time i lost my dog, i was dating a very charming eloquent handsome man. i don’t really know what happened, maybe it was my need for emotional comfort, or maybe he was finding a way to push me away in the first place. either way some more love was taken and gone. he made me promise him that no matter what i’d always be in his life that i wouldn’t just disappear. i haven kept my promise – i feel its a very unfair one – because there’s no effort on his part to keep me in his life. so why bother with someone who seem to not wanna be bothered – right

i hurt today
its only 8:45 in the morning and i’m already crying
oh …. i say that like there’s a common crying time…silly

i don’t wanna go workout because i’ve got my period- but i’m so down – so low today – i probably should

it really does help
i’ve lost some weight too
i think i started for all the right reasons to improve my mental health, and now i’m getting thin which i’ve never been …so i remember this quote

” to get something you’ve never had you must do something you’ve never done”


April 28th, 2009

Depression, originally uploaded by Myles Smith.

Depression is nourished by a lifetime of ungrieved and unforgiven hurts.