Untitled Conversation
September 11th, 2007The following is part of a recent phone conversation I had with the father. I’m not sure how this subject arose on this particular day, perhaps he felt the need to relieve himself of it, and it had nothing to do with me.
“I know your mother says that I raped her, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. When we separated, I lived in an apartment we would occasionally “see” each other. I did wake up one time and she was giving me a blow job. But, I never raped her. Ever.”
I was unsure on how to respond, and for some reason this popped out, “I’ve been told that was how I was conceived.”
He responded with “I know I was doing a lot of drinking back then, but… (He trails off)”.
Me thinking to myself, “why must he bring this up with me?”
For many years, things like this were openly discussed in my family due to lack of boundaries. I thought it was normal. I had to be told by an outsider that it is inappropriate conversation between parents and children.
Today, I feel the error that exists in the lack of boundaries. I feel it in my heart, my insides, and my mind.
The process of putting names and/or labels on certain issues helps to reduce my anxiety and to let them go more easily.
When I started going through my bag of funk, I was confused about what everything was and how to sort it all out. One of the first symptoms I noticed was that being in the company of certain people made me feel icky. It’s been a long process of learning to listen to that voice inside.
Not only were the feelings overwhelming, but also I had no idea of how to put words to what I felt. I was my own mobster tying a cement block to my leg and throwing myself in the river repeatedly, never knowing why.
I cannot control other people, god forbid. What I can control, is my thoughts, and how I allow outside things effect me.