Letter to a friend
January 14th, 2009Dear Friend-
We spoke on the phone the other day, it’s been a very long time since I’ve spoken with you and it was great to hear your voice.
You reached out for some help and I was honored that you chose me, and that I was available to speak to you. There were a lot of things that I wasn’t able to tell you, as our call was cut short unexpectedly. The things we discussed are things that I have experience with, things that I’ve tried very hard to make better in my own life.
More than anything, I hope you will be able to muster up the strength it will take to remove yourself from your situation and begin rebuilding your life. It is very important for you to know that it IS possible for you to move on and rebuild your life. It won’t be easy, it will be really really hard. You’ll have to process through a lot of bullshit, there are layers that you cannot even see right now.
The emotional pain will be unbearable, you may even think that dying is a viable option. It isn’t. You will grieve your situation as you would grieve a loved one dying. In a way, a part of you will die. A chapter in your life will die, and grieving is something you’ll have to do in order to walk through this whole terrible thing.
Prepare yourself for the fact that you will consider staying with your current situation, because it will be so very hard to make the change. Your life will be a living nightmare.
The positive side to this will be that it will pass, you can walk through it. Once you get past the initial pain, you WILL begin to feel good again. You will begin to see your worth, you will begin to heal, you will rediscover the person you were before this situation consumed you.
I know that you are unable to be objective about yourself and your situation right now. Please try to believe that you are a good person, you are worthy, you are smart, you are beautiful, you are a fantastic mother, you are capable of making your dreams come true and miracles are possible. If I had not seen this happen to many people over the years, I would not believe it to be true. Honestly, I’ve seen people rebuild their lives having lost everything they had.
Right now, these compliments probably don’t mean a lot to you or you may even have a hard time believing they are true. Believe that I believe. Not just me, but your family and friends that you’ve reached out to over the years. You have done nothing to deserve such a painful life. None of us “deserve” to be mistreated. Look at yourself through the eyes of your children, treat yourself with the same love and respect that you look at your children.
No matter what action you take (or don’t take), I want you to know that asking for help is not a character flaw, it is an act of courage.
With love,