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Increase In Mental Illness Among College Students

August 19th, 2010

Data presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association showed that the number of college students with a serious mental illness is rising, reported the Los Angeles Times.

John Guthman, lead author of the study, and his team analyzed 3,265 students who sought college counseling between September 1997 and August 2009. Students were examined for mental disorders, suicidal thoughts and self-injurious behavior.

Read the full article here.

Mental Health Gets My Vote!

August 18th, 2010

Election Day Countdown: ‘Mental Health Gets My Vote’; Voting Rights of People with Mental Illness are Protected

“Election Day is less than three months away,” said NAMI Executive Director Michael J. Fitzpatrick. “Elections this year at every level are critical ones for mental health. Strong, non-partisan dialogue is urgent.

“State budget crises across the country have led to massive cuts in mental health services that have put lives at risk. At the national level, congressional actions also affect hopes for recovery.

“Everything from Medicaid to the nation’s economic crisis to recovery from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico involves mental health concerns,” Fitzpatrick said.

“Americans concerned with unemployment, for example, need to recognize that unemployed persons are four times as likely to report symptoms of mental illness. This is no time to cut mental health.”

Check out the entire post here from PR Newswire and remember to vote!

All Art Requires Courage – Birth

August 18th, 2010
Birth., originally uploaded by rachiedoubt.


August 18th, 2010

Darkest before the dawn, as they say.

I wonder, when will the light shine again,

when will the path be crystal clear and back on track?

I’m in charge of that, don’t want to be.

Not today, or tomorrow.  No sirree.

Suffering is a normal part of the human condition, we are not meant to be jolly all the time.  No, we are not.  The fairy tales, THEY LIE.

The sorrow, the sad, the confusion, the ick.

It lives inside of me waiting for the moment when I am weak.  It moves in, full stealth mode and brings the whole ick battalion.

Been here, done this, survived and got stronger.

Ride it out, hang on, keep my pace.

Save my face.

All Art Requires Courage – Please, give me some room to breathe.

August 16th, 2010
Please, give me some room to breathe., originally uploaded by likedaffodils.

All Art Requires Courage – Auguest

August 14th, 2010
Auguest, originally uploaded by slowly moke.

Your Story – I Hate Snakes

August 12th, 2010

Guest post by Majarani

I always wanted to be an anthropologist. I wanted to study cultures, artifacts – essentially I wanted to be Indiana Jones. Maybe we all do a little. Not so much the chilled monkey brains, but very much the knowledge and power it brings.

I am drawn to the comparison now because I feel, much like Indy, that I am in a trap. I entered into this maze to find a prize and feel thwarted at every turn. I’m not searching for a healing skull or valuable gem, but simply peace. Peace of mind, peace in my heart, peaceful sleep. I can’t shake the feeling of crouching and crawling through dank, moss-covered stones. Hauling myself through an ancient canal, dredging up sludge and ignoring the slithery, slimies that keep bumping my legs. I reach what appears to be the end and suddenly “pwang!” five arrows embed themselves into the opposite wall an inch from my nose.

Someone once told me- “it’s not always a good thing to see a light at the end of the tunnel. There are very good odds it is an oncoming train.” I guess I’d rather be on the wrong track then be hit by the right train.

I’m tired, burnt-out. I’m going to find peace or die trying. I cannot live in fear anymore. I can’t wonder if I will ever be safe, or have a place to hide. I will be safe, I will have peace- but maybe I can’t have what I want here. Maybe I need to move on and this is the universe giving me a heads up. Hey Universe, a few less snakes next time ok? I hate snakes.