Message from Leah

To Leah’s readers, friends, family, from Leah and via Joe (her husband):

I won’t have a computer or my phone (so no twitter) at the inpatient facility I’m going into, but know that I’m getting help.

Thank you to all of you for all your kind comments, twitters, direct messages and texts.

I’ll have visiting hours with Leah in the late evenings and will be able to pass messages to and from her. Thank you all for your kind support. It really means a lot to Leah, and to me.

(crossposted to leahpeah)

Posted by joseph on August 27th, 2010

3 Comments a “Message from Leah”

  1. Deanna says:

    Leah doesn’t know me. I’ve just been reading her stuff on the web for a year or so now. Please let her know that I have her in my prayers.

  2. Sparkling Red says:

    Please let Leah know that my heart goes to her. She has done so much to make sure that the rest of us don’t feel alone in the dark times. She’s not alone in this.

  3. joseph says:

    Thanks Deanna and Sparkling, further updates here