The wonders of a good therapist

I’ve been having a hard time at work, and debating leaving, and some things that occurred recently confirmed that it just isn’t the place for me.  I’ve actually been debating leaving for a long time, just based on salary issues, but recently had the crazy waved over my head for no (to my mind) justifiable reason.  So I was describing this to my therapist last night, as being the final straw, and she said, “Oh good.  You needed a kick in the ass to get out the door.”  I so heart her.  After I told her not to hold back, tell me how she really feels, we got down to brass tacks.  But I love having someone who is frank, who challenges me, and who doesn’t just sit there nodding, or saying “that must have been hard for you.”

Posted by bipolarlawyer on October 5th, 2007
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3 Comments a “The wonders of a good therapist”

  1. Whimspiration says:

    Lucky you. I always got the vultures, leaning down “to my level” and waiting for something juicy so they could tag me with some new and horrid label. *sigh* I haven’t been to a “professional” for years. I don’t have the time to waste on that mock concern and pathetic fakery most call modern therapy.

    Huzzah for getting a friend you pay instead of some plastic robot!

  2. moonflower says:

    AMEN to that! I love my therapist exactly for the reason you mention. I hate to waste time and like cutting to the chase, after all life is short.

  3. She She says:

    After years of head-nodders, I, too, finally have an active, thinking, say-it-out-loud therapist. Finally, I’m getting my money’s worth (or at least my insurance company is).

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