The wonders of a good therapist
I’ve been having a hard time at work, and debating leaving, and some things that occurred recently confirmed that it just isn’t the place for me. I’ve actually been debating leaving for a long time, just based on salary issues, but recently had the crazy waved over my head for no (to my mind) justifiable reason. So I was describing this to my therapist last night, as being the final straw, and she said, “Oh good. You needed a kick in the ass to get out the door.” I so heart her. After I told her not to hold back, tell me how she really feels, we got down to brass tacks. But I love having someone who is frank, who challenges me, and who doesn’t just sit there nodding, or saying “that must have been hard for you.”
October 5th, 2007 at 11:28 am
Lucky you. I always got the vultures, leaning down “to my level” and waiting for something juicy so they could tag me with some new and horrid label. *sigh* I haven’t been to a “professional” for years. I don’t have the time to waste on that mock concern and pathetic fakery most call modern therapy.
Huzzah for getting a friend you pay instead of some plastic robot!
October 5th, 2007 at 2:31 pm
AMEN to that! I love my therapist exactly for the reason you mention. I hate to waste time and like cutting to the chase, after all life is short.
October 8th, 2007 at 3:55 pm
After years of head-nodders, I, too, finally have an active, thinking, say-it-out-loud therapist. Finally, I’m getting my money’s worth (or at least my insurance company is).