SAD article in the New York Times

There is an article re-affirming the existence of Seasonal Affective Disorder in the NYT today, and discussing the various treatments, including a new one called Negative Air Ionization. I don’t own a lightbox or dawn simulator, but I do use a humidifier and full-spectrum spot lighting. Bipolars tend to suffer from SAD a lot, and I am cat-like in my ability to lie in the sun and soak up the light. I’ve actually noticed an uptick in my mood this last week at home, because I’ve been able to work in my lovely sunny living room.

There are lots of folks who haven’t had SAD who don’t think it’s real, but it is all too real for those who feel it settle on their shoulders like a lead apron as soon as the light starts getting dim.  It seems so strange that we’d respond to light so drastically, that one’s mood can wax and wane with the sun, that one can respond like a plant to a bit of sunlight, and droop in its absence– but there it is, and to have it scientifically proven is something, at least.

Posted by bipolarlawyer on December 18th, 2007
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4 Comments a “SAD article in the New York Times”

  1. moonflower says:

    i too need sunlight, the whole getting dark earlier is not my favorite.

  2. Suebob says:

    I feel like I am hanging on by my fingernails from the time change until about February 20. I just hate it.

    I got a light box and am going to start using it.

  3. Angelina says:

    I have never for a second doubted SAD is real because I am the opposite. Too much sunlight makes me angry, irritable, depressed, nauseous, and other fun stuff. If too much light can have such a huge effect on me then why on earth couldn’t not enough light effect others adversely? It’s like I got SAD in reverse. Not living in California has helped enormously. Now I’m in the PNW and all the dreary clouds and rain are perfect for me.

    Even though I am the opposite, I totally feel for you and others who really need more light, especially during the darker months. It’s good that there are some remedies available.

  4. Beca says:

    I LIVE for my happy light. I also live in Alaska so you can imagine how I need it. It’s 9:32 now and the first sign of sunlight sun is juuust peeking above the mountains. The it will disappear again at about 3:30.

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