3 Out of 4

Seeing the kids on two Saturdays in a row was great. I hadn’t seen them for 7 months. I missed them so much.

Tyler and Tony are stronger and beefier. Their necks are almost as big as their heads, which is what their father looked like when I met him and it brings back bittersweet memories. They will both be playing football this coming school year for the varsity team and are quite proud of it. I’m quite proud of it. Because they are, I guess.

Tyler, ever the fair one, makes sure we get every minute with them that we are allotted. Not one more or less. He is very equa. He loves both his mother and father equally and wants to make sure we know it.

Tony on the other hand, plays things by ear and would be swayed one way or the other by the wind or a sneeze. He wants to make everyone happy. He has so much love oozing from his pores and loathes to hurt anyone’s feelings. Tender hearted.

Tony looks for something for his girlfriend at the swap meet and knows what he wants to get her. He just needs Alex to help him with his final choice and he’s set and happy with what he got her.

Tyler isn’t sure what he wants to get and is afraid to even call the girl he’s sweet on a girlfriend. I try to help him from a female point of view, but I find myself lacking. I’m not in touch with today’s teenager. Surprised? But Alex saves the day again and helps him find the right bracelet to go with the ring he picked earlier.

And Alex? I don’t even know where to start. She’s OLDER. I don’t know how else to say it. She’s 19, almost 20. She has her first real boyfriend and starting her second year at college. She has some adult issues to contend with. And she seems so young sometimes. She tells me she feels both young and old and I believe her since I was 19 once. But I was having my second child. Her. I was pregnant with her at 19 and I also felt as young as a child. A child having a child. As a reflex, I make sure she has all the protection she wants and needs to prevent having kids right now. I know almost 20 and 2 kids. I don’t want her to know it, too. Alex is smart and beautiful. Naive and very sharp. She’s compassionate and loving. I frequently get glimpses of who she really is inside.

I didn’t get to see Devon. I miss him.

Posted by leahpeah on August 2nd, 2010
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