On the lighter side

I’ve decided that if I think about changing my meds and the pain in the ass of titration down on one and up on the other as a science experiment, and keep detailed notes about my responses in the interests of the larger Crazy Community (and those poor, underfunded pharmaceutical companies), then it’s really not such a daunting prospect after all.

Posted by bipolarlawyer on November 1st, 2007
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1 Comment a “On the lighter side”

  1. nyjlm says:

    speaking of meds and the Crazy Community- does anyone else feel like the effects of a cold on the vestibular system are even stronger because of your meds? I have noticed this the last two times I’ve had a cold- I get dizzy and just feel out of whack. Especially if I’m turning around, or even just turning my head.

    Not to hijack your post bpl, it just seemed like a good place to ask : )

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