The condition my condition is in

I won’t mince words initially.  The psychiatrist I have been seeing since late 1998 is part of my past.  She helped me I first started to see her, she understood things no one else seemed to.  She could peg me when I sometimes said only a few things or struggled with words.  The medication she gave me seemed to work.  Sure, she was always late.  LATE.  1, 2, 3 or more hours late.  At  first I didn’t care, I mean I was not at work and had more free time.  I would bring a book or magazines and settle in for a little “me” time.  As time went on it became more irritating, disrespectful.  She briefly referred me to another Psychiatrist to treat my eating disorder (binge eating disorder).  Now this Psychiatrist almost proved herself initially helpful.  We talked about me and some new things I discovered that helped me deal with things.  After a few months she started to break appropriate doctor/patient boundaries.  She asked me to volunteer with her eating disorder education program, which was initially ok and even enjoyable.  The lines became blurry.  She called me at home a lot.  She hosting candle selling parties and invited me (seriously).  I was becoming more and more involved in the volunteer work and when I has appointments we never talked about me and my issues. Eventually I quit her, and realized that is was a horrible relationship.

I went back to making-me-wait-doctor.  At least I trusted her.  Fast forward, same shit different pile.  I saw waiting-doctor about 2 weeks ago what I think will be our final meeting.  We were talking, and all of a sudden she started flipping through my file, from late 1998 until now.  Quickly flipping.  She started muttering about “history of migraines” (no longer), and a history of “brittle” hypertension (wrong, it was high, then treated and just before I saw here, I was taken off said medication), and said “you know, your short term memory has never been very good (me: barooo?), “I think I will send you for a MRI of your head”. AN MRI OF MY HEAD.  She suspected that all these things she described were indicative of me having TIAs (Transient Ischemic Attacks) “ a transient stroke that lasts only a few minutes.” What the of the to the fuck?  I laughed!  I said, I sometimes struggle for words, but when she sees me at my PSYCHIATRIST appointment, I am not taking an IQ test.  You don’t know me personally, but “TIAs manifested by major symptoms such as dense paralysis or severe language disorder” and “Drooling, imbalance, decreased alertness, difficulty swallowing”, “Confusion, headache, seizure”.  SERIOUSLY?  I knew instantly she was way off base.  She said she has ALWAYS thought my short term memory was bad.  I know, since I am crazy, this may sound weird, but I seriously though she was bat shit crazy.

Longer story shorter.  I found a new psychotherapist for talk therapy and she found me a new Psychiatrist to take care of my meds, but not all my crazy talking/listening.  I did this all within 2 weeks and I RULE.  I interviewed two talk therapists/psychologists and I can’t decide, but I will next week.  I feel positive about all of these changes for the first time in a long long long time.  I think I just picked the short straw when I was assigned Psychiatrists.  Twice.  I think I was partially concerned that if I told the tales of my two mental health providers, my DOCTORS, people would think I was even crazier and not believe me.    I still know I have a list of things to fix in my messed up noggin, but having new support makes me feel awesome

Posted by jen on October 21st, 2007
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8 Comments a “The condition my condition is in”

  1. bipolarlawyer says:

    Good for you. It’s sad that there are so many med school grads who are such weirdos and spaceshots, but congrats on taking charge!

  2. moonflower says:

    hooray for you! we have to take part in our health. the blindly following the doctor b/c they are a doctor days are over for me.

  3. schmutzie says:

    I’m glad you have the courage to follow your own instincts and knowledge of yourself. Congrats on the new doc!

  4. k says:

    She invited you to her candle party? The fuck?

  5. Suebob says:

    When I used to work in printing, the two hardest groups of clients were architects and therapists. Architects because they had a “vision” that must be perfectly fulfilled.

    Therapists because they were nutty.

  6. moonflower says:

    you know i just wrote a post somewhere else recently. i originally thought the title i gave it was from a song or a movie and even searched it on google but found nothing.

    coming back here tonight it dawned on me that my title closely resembles your title on this post and it’s been echoing in my head. i read your post a few days before i wrote that other post and it just got stuck in mah head.

    this is a completely irrelevant comment to your post but i felt the need to share.

  7. nyjlm says:

    good for you! I’m so glad that finding new folks to work with is going well, and good riddance to the nutters you left behind.

  8. sara says:

    I sort of think those relationships do have a time limit…at some point, they help all they can, and you need new perspective.

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