My Beating Compass
I took this off of my blog, because of some negative feedback. I figure is more comfortable with my crazy.
Still around. Posts percolating but not all suitable for a blog that as of yet, has not been found by my parents. My poor niece is not telling anyone as far as I know and I actually feel awful laying the smack down when I have always known that at any moment someone really tenacious(and technically savvy AND related to me) could find me. I am trying to find a new domain name that fits what feels like a big change. I just had a nice time with my mom and told her that on Friday, I found myself so depressed, so profoundly sad and hopeless that I just broke down and sobbed. In my car at first and then made it home to cry to hard I threw up and peed my pants! Goodbye readers who don’t like to much information!
Of course my mom asked why. Lots and nothing. I am mentally ill. I hate saying those words, but it is true. I see a psychiatrist regularly and for the rest of my life medication will be tweaked and fiddled with and I will likely have lots of ups and hopefully only a handful of major downs. So, know I don’t know why on Friday, some horribly song on the radio seemed to trigger a drying episode. That is whole mystery of depression, bi-polar, these things we suffer from, there is no cure and often no sense to it. Sure, THINGS happen and we, OK I do not react the way people who don’t suffer from major depression react, but often there is it. On my radio. I feel out of control. Like my car will swerve into oncoming traffic, literally and metaphorically. I feel like I don’t have control over my own mind, my own heart. My poor heart that is abuse by both me and my illness. I am not an innocent party here. I still let things hurt my heart that I shouldn’t give power to. Things I should LET THE FUCK GO OF ALREADY. I feel way too old to not have learned the lessons of self protection. Forgiving myself. I cling. That girl in grade 7 send a note to some other girl that i found saying i was annoying and i can see the handwriting and remember how i felt like it was last week. LET IT GO. It is like my heart has this gigantic database of things that hurt and I can conjure them up at anytime. World’s most reliable software! ! I can search by any parameters – age, hurt by;name, gender, date, what shoes I was wearing, where the hurt took place (that one in grade 10 in the cafeteria was a son of a bitch), the overalls with polka dots were perfect for 1985 though. <a href=””>Laurie</a>, my friend, made friendlier by sxsw, told me twice, briefly, stop giving that power. Laurie, is smart and wicked in a good way, a great writer, beautiful, wonderful, and you want to be her friend. She listened to all manner of my blathering while we were in Austin and feel grateful for that. I wish she could live on mu pocket, not as angel (not that she is’;t one), but as a compass. I don’t know my emotional direction for shit right now.
Ultimately I know I need to find my own way right?. The medication will always be there, but surely I can learn right? I can hard wire some things in my heart to protect it from others. From myself. First job ion order for me is where the hell is magnetic north? At least for me.
April 13th, 2009 at 7:56 pm
Always welcome here, Jen. Always, always. And also – you are doing the best you can. And that counts for something. A lot of somethings. xoxo