Bigger than us

As I sit here, on a balcony staring out into the ocean, listening to the waves breaking, feeling the cool mist on my face, my mind wanders towards unlocking the secrets of the ocean and all the stories it holds.

I think of the people and their the secrets it’s met, the items it’s stolen from the shores as it moves in and out all day long, the vessels carrying treasures that have been pulled deep down into its deathly grip.

Those that have offered themselves up to its escape, hoping to swim their way into a new and free life, trying to escape the perils of a communist government.

Or, how many have relied upon the ocean for their final exit, hoping to release themselves from the pain of life. This thought, is the one I have wondered the most.

Each time I am in the presence of Mother Nature and all her greatness, I become Alice in wonderland, falling into the rabbit hole. As I fall, becoming smaller and smaller submitting to her will as I give up my own.

It brings me peace to know that humans will never really unlock the secrets, nor will we ever be able to control Mother Nature.

There are places that need to be left untouched and unfettered in order to remind all of us that there are much bigger things beyond our control, that work just fine without our involvement.

I believe humans try to control entirely too much myself included, we build bridges and walls to try and block out the tides of the ocean, or the falling rocks. Yet, we all know when Mother Nature decides to dance; we have no protection.

Something in this brings me a sort of peace, similar to the feeling of unrequited love. We must let go, turn ourselves over to her mysteries and in doing so, we become free.

In reality, unlocking the secrets is not my real goal; I prefer the feelings of melancholy, hope, and inspiration that Mother Nature brings to me.

I fear I would lose my passion, and join the others that believed their answers lie in trading their life for her eternal protection.

Posted by moonflower on April 17th, 2008
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4 Comments a “Bigger than us”

  1. BPD in OKC says:

    you have a balcony overlooking the ocean? I’m so jealous. I’ve never even seen an ocean.

    That’s not why I’m leaving a comment…

    I agree that we as human beings try to control too much. We try to play God with a lot of things. It is nice to know that Mother Nature is something we can’t really control.

  2. moonflower says:

    i wish i had a permanent balcony by the sea, but alas i was on “holiday”. you my friend must see the ocean, put it on your life list.

  3. Christine Wy says:

    I live less than a mile from the ocean now, after living for eight years in Chicago. Lake Michigan impressed me every time I looked at it because its vastness was infathomable to me. Now, the ocean feels so much more huge.

    At first, I looked out at the Atlantic, and all I could see was how huge the world really is. Now, I take my dog to the beach and we scamper in the sand. Having your own little corner of ocean makes a big difference in perspective.

    Now isn’t that a metaphor?

  4. bipolarlawyercook says:

    I couldn’t agree more. Knowing that sometimes there’s no choice but to roll with it is actually really freeing. It lets me concentrate on other things, like enjoying myself. : )

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