The mist of vulnerability
Once again I am in that place where I actively question everything and everyone that I think I know, or think I understand. Periodically, I get here and it seems hopeless and sad. It is important for me to remember that it will pass and new things will come into my awareness to change the tides.
As this is where my thoughts are traveling and exploring, this is what I’m writing about.
Lonely is the word that I find best to describe the look on my face, the tone of my voice, the slight droop of my shoulders and the slowness of my steps. Don’t ask me to “cheer up” or “get over it” because I WOULD IF I COULD.
I believe in the theory that the more we think certain things, a path is created in our brains that wasn’t originally there, helping it to become a habit. If we can find the start and finish, perhaps we can redirect that path, changing it’s course and having a better life experience as a result.
Movies about people finding themselves left in a town that’s been over-run by zombies, leaving one person, one normal person left, always creep me out. All people cannot be trusted, they are unsafe, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The unsettling part of it for me is that this place I am in, feels just like that. I haven’t figured out yet why this happens, I suspect it is a seasonal change combined with my history.
Oh goodie.
The mist of uncertainty, doubt and mis-trust. In the past, I’ve ended relationships, I’ve quit things, backed away from people and just kept to myself in order to feel safe.
Safety has always been an important factor for me. I would daydream about having an older brother that could protect me. I’ve often projected this need for protection onto men I’ve had relationships with. Just to keep my perpetual issue from never running out of ammunition, if anyone slightly attempted to care for me I would chop them off at the knees.
There is a difference in this period of my life, I am older (hopefully wiser), and it doesn’t have to include the wreckage of the past.
At least, I hope it doesn’t.
April 9th, 2008 at 8:41 am
Wow ! I could have written this, it describes where I am at right now so perfectly. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. Thank you.
April 9th, 2008 at 8:19 pm
I know the feeling. Sometimes I just feel like I can’t trust anyone and I start to feel like I should pull away and just disappear. It seems easier to isolate myself than feel the pain.
April 11th, 2008 at 10:19 pm
It describes me very well, too! In fact, your description of the zombie movie reminds me of the most depressing movie I’ve seen lately, “I Am Legend.” And I am so totally like that about people… I did dream of having an older brother when I was a kid, and I am always nervous about getting attached to people because it seems like they always ditch me, or turn out to be mean, in he end! ANd it is hard to keep the wreckage of the past from haunting me…
April 13th, 2008 at 10:38 am
I promise, I don’t want to eat your brains, that you’re not alone here, and that you’re safe here, if nowhere else. But you’re also probably safer than you feel, and it sounds like you know that already– which will help you redirect your path when you’ve time, energy, and ability to do so.
April 16th, 2008 at 5:33 pm
I know this is sort of irrelevant to the actual topic, but you made me laugh. “I would daydream about having an older brother that could protect me.” My older brother and I have a wonderful relationship as adults, but as children, he delighted in tormenting me. There were plenty of fun times, but I can’t remember a single time he ever protected me. So, don’t worry, you didn’t miss out as much as you think you did. But thanks for that little tickle in an otherwise moving and thoughtful post on feeling isolated.