All These Januaries

By Coolbeans

The beginning of January is nice. The holidays are behind us, we get back into our routines, and my husband and I celebrate our anniversary. Then something bad happens. After the start of the new year, something in my brain goes haywire. I have fits of rage, tears, self-loathing, and an inability to hold my shit together before we can say “February.”

Things have been okay for the last few months. I’ve felt good. I like my job, my kids are normal enough, my marriage isn’t spiraling down the drain. We faced some tough stuff in December and just before Christmas it occurred to me that maybe the medication I take for depression isn’t working like it should. I was moody, weepy, angry, and tired. I decided to look at the issue after the holidays, hoping that after Christmas madness was over, I’d feel better again. I took a deep breath and held it.

Yesterday, I had a fit. I could call it an attack, but I think “fit” is better. I was angry, I was sad. I wanted to scream, cry, break something. Nobody could do anything right and I hate everything. Hopelessness, sadness, despair, rot. Where does this come from? Why won’t it stop fucking with me? I’m doing the stuff I’m supposed to, for fuck’s sake. I just want to be NORMAL. Normal, la-dee-dah BORING. Sane. Stupidly, ignorantly happy, even.

I thought that I’d be fine this year. I’m taking medicine, life is alright. But no. The inside of my head feels pulled and twisted and right now, throwing things doesn’t feel optional.

At the beginning of January, I had some little panic attacks and struggled with insomnia. The space inside my head where I hear all the voices was really loud and I couldn’t hear one voice over another. I tried to focus on one thing at a time and just couldn’t. It was all a jumbled mess in my brain.

The Funk that lurks in the dark corners of my mental state has stretched its long and sticky arms and is presently trying to suffocate my pysche. For some reason, my marbles get lost this time of year. I decided I’m not going to order medication this time. I called my therapist today instead. Of course, she’s out of the office until Tuesday. Until then, I might be laying low.

Someone I know: “Hi, I know you!”
Me: “You can’t see me. I’m invisible now!”
Someone I know: “You are one crazy bitch.”
Me: *cries*

What is going on here? What is it about January that makes me batshit crazy even when things seem fine, good, great?

Posted by guest writer on January 22nd, 2008
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4 Comments a “All These Januaries”

  1. Suebob says:

    Perhaps it is seasonal depression on top of “regular” depression.

  2. Country Mouse says:

    I’m echoing Suebob’s point, here. SAD can amplify clinical depression. There are other things it could be, of course (mixed state triggered by post-holiday stress?) — so it sounds like it would be a good idea to point out this pattern to your therapist.

    Regardless, my thoughts are with you.

  3. belinda says:

    January has been a regular player in Alex’s bipolar “annual cycle pattern” for as long as i’ve known him. Granted, it’s got nothing on Spring and Fall, but it’s a player, for sure. I think it’s great that you have tracked this trend, because that gives you a very important tool in dealing with it. Good insight.

  4. Ramblin' Red says:

    Sitting here speechless…

    Finally someone has voiced what I’ve felt for a long time – January is a hard month for a person with any kind of affective disorder.

    My last “crazy” January was in 2006 – had to go back on medication – that time it was effexor.

    Loving this blog…putting on my blogroll, as I do address mental health there – though not nearly as much as I did in 06.

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