NAMI mental health questionnaire responses by presidential candidates

NAMI sent a questionnaire to presidential candidates, asking them their positions on mental health issues, including access to care for the poor, and these are their responses so far. Thanks to Emily at On Call for Life for the link.

Cross posted at BipolarLawyerCook.

Posted by bipolarlawyer on January 14th, 2008
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3 Comments a “NAMI mental health questionnaire responses by presidential candidates”

  1. moonflower says:

    holy toledo! this is great information!

  2. AnnaBelleLee says:

    As the mother of a 27-y.o. son with chronic (meaning neverending, never.ending) progressive (meaning getting worse and worse) paranoid schizophrenia, I would love to what just what “role of personal responsibility” he thinks my son should take for this devastating illness. His statement “…I have stressed the central role of personal responsibility in leading to lower health care cost” shows him to be just one more uninformed person who thinks that the mentally ill could be better if they wanted to… the “just snap out of it” mentality. What really gives me the shivers to to think that this man – or someone just as bad -could be our next president.

  3. Standing Still says:

    This is great info. Thanks much. I’m not a one-issue voter, but this is one of the few that is at the TOP of my list.

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