Time for a change
How many people stop in their tracks some days and wonder just how in the hell they got to the particular point in their lives that they got to.
I’ve been doing this for a long time now. I retrace my steps, I inventory the steps I took that led me to where I am right now and wonder what will come of it all.
One of my closest friends recently told me, that while speaking to another person close to me, she told this person at that point, “she’s the most unhappy that I’ve ever known her to be”. I’m the she in that sentence. That was over five years ago. I asked her why didn’t she tell me then but she was uncertain.
I started crying when she told me this, knowing deep down that I was unhappy, and that I’ve been unhappy for a long time. I’ve been doing the “make the best of it and maybe it’ll get better”! I had some obstacles to overcome, some stuff that needed to be worked out and really hard life stuff that came in constant waves for a few years.
Life sure can take you full speed ahead down twisting roads and you have no time to catch your breath, much less your mind. With each new battle, I would pray for the serenity I needed in order to climb the next hill.
I did what was in front of me to do, I put one foot in front of the other, and I persevered. I stayed the course, I kept it together. Silently questioning what it was that I had to learn from these calamities. Why me God? WHY ME?
Much as I despise that question (because it’s screams of a character flaw I do not wish to emulate) I would ask anyway. Ultimately trusting that I was where I was supposed to be and sometimes the life you want and think you should have is not the life you get. Acceptance is what they call that I believe.
At what point should you stop convincing yourself that this is how it is supposed to be? At what point do you realize that being unhappy isn’t what you want out of life?
An answer to this riddle has eluded me for a few years now and I’m not even sure what course to take in order to change it. In fact, I’ve only just begun to speak of it’s truth, I’ve only just begun to realize that I have to change my course.
This scares me, despite my experience and knowledge that changing courses brings about blessings and clears away the things that no longer serve me, opening me up for a new adventure.
Painful, uncomfortable, sad, and hopeless are a few of the friends that will join me in the change, even though I know their counterparts of love, joy, serenity, hope and freedom are waiting on the other side for me with cookies and tea.
February 1st, 2010 at 1:33 pm
Just wanted to comment on what a powerful piece that was. Thank you for sharing.